Fiona Carter
Pilates Teacher, Movement Educator & Adore Your Pelvic Floor Coach
☎ 07530 164418

Free Five Day Pelvic Floor Workshop
This is a free self lead online course which includes a printable work book to compliment the online video content
In this course you will learn how to correctly recruit your pelvic floor, dispel myths that may be holding you back and learn the simple pelvic floor program that everyone should be doing daily.
So what does the challenge include?
Daily instructional video.
Printable manual with plenty of photos and diagrams to compliment the daily topics.
A simple daily homework assignment designed to develop awareness and improve function of the pelvic floor.
Get a sneak peak of all my full Online "Adore Your Pelvic Floor" program.
So Whats the Game Plan?
There is more to a healthy pelvic floor than just kegels. While in this challenge I won't be going through all aspects we can go through the basics to give you a really good understanding of the basics as well as the knowledge to spot if you need to ask for more help and who and where to go to to get that help. So this is what we will cover.
Day One
Just Breath! - Today we will look at the anatomy of the pelvic floor and Diaphragmatic breathing
Why it's important for pelvic floor function.
How to use diaphragmatic breathing to improve your pelvic floor awareness and function.
Other breathing patterns and how they can affect intra-abdominal pressure and pelvic floor function.
Dispelling the myths about pelvic floor function
Day Two
Find it, Work it!... A third of women don't know where their pelvic floor is and a third bear-down when they try to engage. In this session we will set you straight so you can find your pelvic floor and work it correctly... today we look at...
Where is the pelvic floor.
How it functions.
How to build awareness of your pelvic floor.
How to correctly engage and release it.
Common cheats
Why posture is important
Move, Release & Relax!.... I see an increasing number of women who have issues with pelvic floor function because they have an overactive pelvic floor so today we will look at...
Why it is so important to be able to relax and release the pelvic floor.
How to relax and release your pelvic floor.
Simple exercises that help to keep your hips, lower back, spine and feet mobile too.
Day Three
Fast Twitch, Slow Twitch & the 10-10-3.... Today we will look at the differnt types of muscle within the pelvic floor and how to train each type to best effect. This is the basis of the 10-10-3 protocol. Research shows that women who consistently practice the 10-10-3 see an improvement or complete resolution of incontinence symptoms (and yes that includes those "Oops Moments" and "Sneeze Pees") within 6 to 12 weeks. This is why NICE recommends this for all women. We will also cover the "knack manoeuvre" which is a simple technique which gives you and extra layer of support for those "Sneeze Pee's".
Day Four
Pull it together.... Today we will celebrate our wins and look at how to use this course to put together a daily routine to support your pelvic floor for life. We will also look at some pelvic health Red Flags and where to go for help
"Pelvic Flaws" What can go wrong with the pelvic floor?
When to ask for help?
Who should I go to for help?
What to expect in a women's health physiotherapy appointment or initial assessment.
Day Five
Each day you will be able to watch a short video about the days topic and a simple homework task to practice. These tasks are designed to build your awareness of your pelvic floor as well as your understanding of how to train your pelvic floor. By the end of the 5 days you will be able to confidently incorporate the 10:10:3 into your daily routine.
We will also cover common cheats and incorrect movement patterns so you can spot these yourself and correct them.
We will also briefly cover symptoms that may need more attention or support from a pelvic floor or women's health physiotherapist your General practitioner or a urogynecologist for example.

D.E. East Lothian
Before the Adore Your Pelvic Floor Course I just felt broken and ashamed. I'm finally starting to feel in control again.
G.T. Edinburgh
After 20 years of minor incontinence I had just accepted that this was my lot. After one term of women's health classes with Fiona I no longer plan my life around staying close to the loo and am loving it.
V.B. Edinburgh
My prolapse symptoms are not only improved, I have taken up running again.
Who Is Fiona Carter?
Hi I'm Fiona, I have been working in the health and fitness industry for over 30 years. During that time I have had many roles... Sports massage therapist, Personal trainer, CHEK Practitioner, Pilates teacher.... I have taught Pilates, Kettlebells, TRX, Gyrokinesis, Aerial Yoga amongst other things but I have always been drawn to rehabilitation as It was a spinal injury when I was seven that first sparked my interest on movement, biomechanics and rehabilitation.
In 2009 I had a second accident the impact of this accident shunted my spinal cord up into my brainstem and caused my uterus to prolapse and left me with chronic pudendal neuralgia. I'm obviously cutting a long story short but as a result I am now and Adore Your Pelvic Floor Coach and specialise in pelvic floor function, incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and chronic pelvic pain.
While I do teach women (and men) on a one to one basis as well as running an online version of the "Adore Your Pelvic Floor" program which is an in-depth program for women looking to improve pelvic floor function and support with incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse or chronic pain... or even new mums just looking for a good scientifically grounded program that will help them deal with post natal stress incontinence so they can get back to running or keeping up with the kids on the trampette.
However, I have created this challenge as I am seeing more and more trainers jumping on the "Women"s Health" bandwagon and sharing poor quality or inappropriate information. So I hope this FREE challenge will give all women access to sound advice and guidance allowing you to recognise the great Women's Health Physiotherapists and Coaches out there.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in and you can spare a maximum of one hour a day for five days then click the link below to join my challenge.
FREE 5 Day Pelvic Floor Course
Your privacy is important to me and your Information will never be shared.