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Frequently asked Questions


What is Pilates?

Pilates is an exercise method designed to engage the mind and condition the body.  A balanced blend of strength and flexibility training to improved posture and reduce stress while creating long lean muscles. The focus is on quality of movement rather than quantity of work, with particular attention to developing core stability and postural balance.


What are the benefits of Pilates

with commitment to a regular Pilates practice you can expect to:

  • Improve the way your body looks and feels.

  • Restore Postural alignment.

  • Create a real difference to muscle tone and flexibility.

  • Challenge the deep abdominals to improve core strength.

  • Create a stronger, more flexible spine while increasing stability of the pelvis and shoulder girdle.

  • Improve joint health by increasing mobility and strength.

  • Offer relief from back pain and joint stress.

  • Heighten neuromuscular coordination.

  • Reduce stress, relieve tension and promote a feeling of wellbeing, while boosting energy.

  • Increase lung capacity and improve circulation.

  • Integrate mind, body awareness.

  • Instil efficient patterns of movement and muscle recruitment, making the body less prone to injury.

  • Alleviate aches and pains.  Reduce the likely-hood of Injury and promote recovery and rehabilitation from strain and injury.

  • Improve mobility, balance, agility and coordination. 

  • Offers a safe a beneficial exercise form for a wide range of medical conditions.  Including scoliosis, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis.

  • Provides an excellent form of exercise for pre and postnatal women.

  • Compliment sports training and develop functional fitness for daily life activity.


What is core stability and why is it important?

Core Stability refers to the development of the muscles that support the spine.  This creates a muscular corset, which protects and stabilises the spine and pelvis and shoulder girdle.  This is important as every movement we make needs to come from a stable centre or core.  having a strong core allows ease of movement, grace and fluidity while the lack of it puts undue stress on the muscles and joints leading to pain and discomfort, possibly injury.


Who is Pilates suitable for?

Everyone!  All ages and fitness levels can benefit from Pilates.  The beauty of the Pilates Method is that it can be adapted, modified and customised to meet your individual needs.  Many professional sports men and women use Pilates to enhance their performance.  However, Pilates is just as appropriate for those who are de-conditioned and physically frail.  Mr Pilates practiced (and taught) his method into his eighties.  However as with any fitness regimen you should check with your GP before starting if you have any injuries, medical conditions, if you are pregnant or have recently had a baby.


Will Pilates help me lose weight?

Pilates is not primarily about weight loss.  However committing to regular Pilates workouts can help support a weight loss program by developing a trimmer more streamlined appearance.  People often notice after commiting to pilates that their waist  narrows and their hips and thighs become more toned.


Will Pilates Help my bad back?

There are very many causes of back pain.  However, the very nature of Pilates focuses on the structures that support and stabilise the spine.  Subsequently, Pilates has great success rehabilitating back pain caused by muscle imbalances, poor posture, post operative and postnatal pain.  However even a rigorous Pilates training will not qualify the teacher to diagnose any type of injury so I would always recommend seeking the advice of a physiotherapist to ensure that you don't require more specialised treatment.


Can I do Pilates while I am pregnant?

You will need to consult your GP and your Pilates teacher before embarking on a program.  Generally speaking women benefit greatly from Pilates sessions during and after pregnancy.  However, you are not usually recommended to take up a new activity until after your 16 week scan.


If I have osteoporosis is Pilates safe?

It is essential that you ensure the teacher is well aware of this condition, as there are certain movements that are contraindicated.   By adapting the class to offer exercises that are beneficial, you can work towards maintaining both good posture and ideally improving bone density.


Do I need to be fit before I start Pilates?

Pilates is suitable for all fitness levels, body types and ages.  As with any new exercise routine you are recommended to get your doctors approval first. 


I have never done Pilates before but am super fit can I go straight into an advanced class?

No physical fitness and strength are not the only elements that dictate the level of a Pilates class.  Without understanding the underpinning principles of Pilates and correct technique you will find your progression is stilted, and you may also leave your self-open to injury.  Ironically over the years I have found that the keener someone is to "get at" the advanced/classical choreography the slower they progress.  If they take their time and listen to their body they get much more out of the Pilates Method and progress further.


How many times a week should I do Pilates?

Consistency is the key to seeing results, and the speed at which you see this progress depends on how many times a week you are able to commit to sessions.  I recommend 2 to 4 times a week.  This can include classes, one to ones or a “home programme” to supplement sessions.  Even if it is a quick ten fifteen minute home work out it makes a huge difference to the results you achieve.


How quickly will I see results?

Mr Pilates famously once said 

“In ten sessions you will feel the difference, in twenty you will see the difference, and in thirty you will have a whole new body.”

Most people do see, and feel, significant changes in their body in ten to fifteen sessions.  


How long are the classes?

All mat classes run for one hour.


How many people will be in the class?

An Absolute maximum of 15 people.  However I prefer to keep the number around 10 to 12 wherever possible.  This allows me to give each person in the class much more attention, without slowing the pace of the class down.


What should I wear?

You should wear clothes that are comfortable to work out in.  Ideally, avoid over sized clothes as it makes it difficult to observe your body during the sessions.  I usually prefer bare feet, however, you can wear socks if you get cold feet or are prone to foot cramps. For safety and comfort avoid dangling jewellery.


Do I have to sign up for a course; can I pay a drop in charge?

I run Six-week course for several reasons:

  • If I have new people popping in randomly I have to accommodate for them to keep the class safe this prevents progression within the class and holds everyone else back.

  • I find that it takes people new to Pilates at least three weeks before they start to "GET" Pilates.  If they come to an odd class they tend not to give Pilates enough time to either feel any benefit or to understand the principles they are aiming for.

  • By booking courses I can control the class sizes.  This allows me to give much more attention to each individual and ensure every one in the class is getting the most out of the experience.  

  • By signing up to a six-week programme you are more likely to commit to the sessions.  By doing so get the most out of them.  

  • I am also able to use the information you give me to create lesson plans for the course that specifically meet the needs, and goals of the individuals on that course.  

  • I can work progression into the course to ensure you continue to work towards your goals and improve.


What happens if I have to miss a class in my course?

I offer a complimentary catch-up facility that allows you to "catch-up" a missed class by attending another class within the same course.  While there may be odd occasions where a class is to full to accomadate this I can usually find a suitable alternative.  However this is a complimentary facility and cannot be garanteed.

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